Legal Administrative Staff
​At CK&A, our paralegals and legal administrative staff assist and support our attorneys through each stage of resolving a collection matter. From reviewing new matters and participating in both client and debtor contact, evaluating and establishing acceptable repayment terms, to processing payments and preparing and filing legal documents with the courts and sheriff's offices, they are well versed in the process and methods long established by the Attorney’s of CK&A. Over the last two decades, numerous paralegals, summer interns and law students have gone on to law school and successful careers as attorneys. We are very proud of our legacy of offering solid practical experience to the next generation of legal professionals in our community.
Career and Mentoring Opportunities
​For many years, the attorneys at CK&A have provided internships to premier applicants hoping to garner some experience in the legal profession. We have been sponsors of Career Days at area high schools and starting point for many trying to determine if a career in law is their hearts desire. If you know someone who may be interested in an internship, collection or legal administrative work, please have them submit a resume and cover letter to: